Thursday, June 30, 2011

By Popular Demand...

I guess I'm a blogger. I had to come up with a name. I chose this one for two reasons, the first being it's obvious intent to motivate. The other reminded me of my potential near future of running for the toilet. Consider yourselves warned. I plan to be informative and motivating but there is nothing off limits. Nothing.

And so it began.

I was in Radiology on Tuesday and they were trying to pull the fluid off of my abdomen to determine what type of cancer they thought I had. Unsuccessfully. This is both a good thing (not much fluid) and a bad thing (repetitive jabs with various sized needles). After trying to get into my tummy, with the aid of an ultrasound machine, the radiologist decided to use the CAT scan for a different look. In like Flynn and out came 180 cc's of what looked like turkey drippings. I was done and it was off to the lab. What did I learn through this procedure...liposuction must be hell.


  1. you'll be a natural at this blogging thing. thoughts and prayers along with much positive energy will be coming your way from the Blythe household...xoxo friend ~ Pol

  2. My first thought was "WHY does this happen to the most wonderful people?? My only friend from grade school has ovarian cancer and it baffles me. I'm so glad you started a blog - so many questions...
    - How did you find out initially? Did you feel 'off'? or just a routine check up?
    - How has your family reacted? did you tell your children?
    - Do you have health insurance to cover your costs?
    Just some ideas to inspire your writing. Here's the website link to the Ovarian Cancer Support Group:

    Kim - I love reading everything you write... you somehow capture tender moments with just the right words and it feels as if we're right there with you. I want to fight like a girl with you! Sending Hugs, Love, Prayers and Strength ~Robin

  3. You are going to find blogging more addictive than Farmville.

    If you need some tips on the technical aspects of Blogger, I'm your gal! I am also useful as a sounding board for all rants and raves, a source of the absurdly comic happenings in everyday life, and a partner in crime who is going to hold you to the promise that we'll be writing a play together, got it?

    If you need someone to help with the cabinet hanging and props gathering, Scott's your fella.

    If you need some Short People entertaining, Milo and Violet will fit the bill.

    And if you need some instant peace and unconditional cuddling, Juliet and Willa can always use more love.

    I'm up half the night as it is, so please contact me if you need anything, anytime.
