Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Clear down to the wire...

I have 17 minutes until no food or water. 16.

As the time sifts away and it is midnight and no longer my birthday, but the day of my surgery, I have to tell you something. I took pictures of my belly tonight. I wanted one last set of photos before it is permanently altered. I say this like I have a series of belly photos. I do not. This is the belly that I hated as a teenager and would exercise to death and even cover/sleep in Saran Wrap in hopes of shrinking it via skin suffocation. Oh, that flat stomach that remained just out of reach. I'm not sure why I took a picture of it. I guess for, "Old Time sake"? Maybe I was hoping this one would be my "before" shot. My surgeon and I were discussing how rich she'd be had she done plastics too. This is one of the many reasons I love my surgeon. She gets me.

Working backwards, before the Belly Picts, I ate a few Popsicles (Thanks, B).

Warning!! Spoiler Alert. Next we will be talking briefly about poop.

The dreaded Bowel Prep. Who in their right mind would make something like that, let alone call it "Lemony". It is like a small, Sweet Tart monster crawled up inside of me and died. His carcass is currently rotting from my insides out. Anything else you want to know? Here's something like The Law of Nature. Every single time I say, "There can't be anything left in there." I find myself sprinting for the bathroom. Pardon me, just writing about it has caused me to... have know...

Okay, I'm back.
Tomorrow. We leave at 6 am. Arrive and report around 6:45 am. Surgery at 8. Rumor has it I am her first case. She's been out of town for the holiday, she got back today. I'm feeling that she is rested, fresh and ready to tackle me, so to speak. There has been a public out cry for a morphine laced blog. We will see. I make no promises. I admit, it would probably be quite a good one. Know that I will be writing when I can and filling you in on the goings on of hospital...


  1. I completely get wanting a belly shot. It's not quite the same, but I made Scott take one last photo of my crazily distended pregnant belly as they were admitting me to have the twins -- maybe to have as proof of the mystery of the human body? I dunno, because it was not flattering...

    Go ahead and kick it this morning! As the red-haired stranger crooned (almost) "You are always on my mind..."

  2. 8:04AM. You are in good hands (soul mate surgeon) and good spirits (you, everyone else). Hoping in good faith that this will be the piece of cake you missed on your birthday. You will be in my thoughts and most positive wishes all day. Mount Vernon is abuzz with all the energy going your way!
    Love you, girl. 8:08.
