Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Should You Really See Through Your Food?

Is anything worth eating really transparent? I think...steak? I think cake? The answer is, no.

So, this is the end of the first day of a two day prep before my surgery on Thursday. In less than an hour it will be my 44th birthday. Wow. How do I feel about that? Actually, I haven't really thought about it. I've been too focused on the prep. Let's get that out of the way and then I'll answer that other question.

Day two is pretty much like day one, clear liquids, except that at 2 pm I have to drink this small but mighty bottle of stuff that evidently isn't as bad as the colonoscopy stuff, but almost. What are the chances of me getting to Two Gentlemen of Verona tomorrow at 7pm? I'm already planning on giving the tickets to my mom and dad. My mom loves Shakespeare almost as much as I do...almost. After I drink my stuff that is supposed to be "Lemony" (I doubt it) I sit and wait. The next step I hadn't heard about  before, it's this special anti-infection super-de-dooper adult baby wipe x 2 that I'm supposed to scrub myself down with 1 hour after I shower. Maybe I'll be able to leap small microbes in a single bound. I'll let you know. When the clock strikes, "Your Birthdays Over", I get nothing more to eat or drink. They say that like the crap I've been doing for the last 48 hours is so hard to let go of. Please.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I probably won't be blogging on Thursday. It says to leave all valuables at home on the day of your surgery and since the big computer is in the shop (Thanks, Scott Cannon for fixing it) all that is left is Mark's laptop. Can't bring it...it's valuable. Oh, and I'll probably feel like a building fell on me...that too. I promise to fill you all in as soon as my thoughts can actually get to my fingertips an aren't lost somewhere in Morphine Land.

I leave you tonight with my self-posed question. How do I feel about 44? I feel focused. I feel present. I feel optimistic, I feel ready. I feel like I want a pizza.


  1. I think that giving those tickets away was a smart move...as I do recall the hours following my own chugging of the "mighty bottle of stuff" and how the drama of those hours would not have allowed for much formal theatre. Hang in there toots...enjoy your day with your man and your babies...onward!xxxxK

  2. ...and on the eve of such a day, you make me laugh. You are an amazing human being, Kim. Through your attitude, I see that tomorrow will be a milestone for you. A beginning. Thank you for starting my day this way. Your mindfulness is inspiring and a gift to others. Happy Birthday!

  3. The forties were great years for me (my Eddie and red convertible with subwolfer years). I realized that fun was waiting for me to find it. I decided that I wasn't old yet and that I was going to make the most of that. You have a good sense of self and I know you'll make the most of the time in your life when maturity gives you perspective that has a peace that comes with it.

    When I had my hysterectomy Holly was quite young, and Jay must have explained something about them taking my girl parts, and she asked, "But mom, how will you go to the bathroom.?"

  4. I hope that you remembered to buy the soft toilet tissue...

    Best of luck to you tomorrow, though I imagine that the sheer amount of goodwill headed your way from so many people near and far might actually throw the earth off its axis. The impact you have on people is instant and indelible - at least it is on me. You're stamped into the fabric of this community.

    Many happy wishes for your birthday today. May your surgery be routine and your recovery speedy. May you enjoy that pizza as soon as digesting it is advised. XXOOXXOO
